вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.


My family and I have been minor survivalist for generations. I say minor, because I donapos;t know how to hand-tool machinery or build a gun from scratch, but I can hunt, clean skins, hike, know more than average medical, know a lot about urban warfare and how people become in times of civil unrest and a large amount of information on how to survive in extreme conditions. I am durable. I listened, really listened, to my friends who survived the Holocaust and from them I learned the difference between a survivalist and just surviving.

In this scary economy some people have decided to stock up on food and supplies because they are afraid. I would give those newbie survivalist a few tips.

1. Stop with the beans, already. If you donapos;t like beans and have never prepared beans from soaking on, donapos;t by 50 lbs of beans. You will not eat them and resent them and be a rat bastard to be around because you will be miserable. Try to stick to food that you would normally prepare and consume. Have food to preserve life, not a lifestyle, but donapos;t go buying 100 cans of spam either. Moderation is your friend.

2. You heal faster inside. I appreciate that in the Terminator she could get field stitches without flinching, but I have news for you, that hurts like hell. In addition to medical kit basics include lots of pain killers and prescription meds. Get an extra set or two of eye-glasses. Get safety glasses if you donapos;t wear eyeglasses and use the when you chop wood. Learn how to chop wood without cutting your foot off. Little injuries can become big problems down the line so learn to take it slow and heal inside faster than trying to push yourself and screw yourself up worse. Learn basic dentistry and include birth control in your survival gear. Having a baby naturally is both dangerous and painful.

3. Donapos;t buy guns unless you will really use them to kill a man, woman or child. A 12 year old can kill you as surely as a 24 year old. Learn how to shoot a gun and the myriad of ways you can hurt yourself with them. Guns are tools. Learn now how to hunt.

4. Learn how to make fire from scratch. Fun for the whole family. They will laugh for hours while you practice in front of the tv. You will dance around your little smoke pile yelling "I HAVE MADE FIRE"

5. Good shoes. Good shoes does not mean the most expensive hiking boots you can find. Good shoes are the ones that you can walk in for miles and you not notice them. Buy wool socks. They could save your life.

6. A hand-pump well can be an oasis.

7. Make buddies with real survivalists and have them teach you everything they know. Practice Practice Practice.

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