понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.


�Introduced to live journal by my girlfriend. Maybe this will be interesting hehehe Nothing really interesting has been happening in brooklyn and I really miss Bridget. I think about her constantly and wishing I was better for her. Now Iapos;m working with my brother who owns a production company. We manage to pull quite a number of clients and to produce a number of events. But in all this Iapos;m still broke as shit, HAHAHA. I laugh about it but its makes me angry. I work for family and get treated like family. My brother doesnapos;t treat me like an employee, he treats me like a younger brother who needs to do his bidding. Iapos;m not down with that so I let him know how it is but he has my mother on his side and momma can be pretty hard to deal with sometimes. �Whatever but thereapos;s better things to talk about like, BRDIGET She makes me laugh and smile so much. I like when she gets excited and giggles like a little girl, (hahaha sounds kinda dirty.) �Its the joy thatapos;s in her heart thatapos;s attractive. Itapos;s innocent and childlike. Something no one can take away from you no matter what has happened in your life. Itapos;s a pureness of joy that can withstand the mundaneness of every day life or the like the explosive minty-chocolatey taste you have when you eat a york peppermint patty, lol. �But I care about her. Sometimes its hard to explain that with words when youapos;re so far away. A simple touch and a kiss means so much more when youapos;re far from the one you love. Being a guy, I think its hard to be expressive with words sometimes because it just doesnapos;t come out right when you say it or whatever the case maybe. But if I held her close and kissed her lips and told her everything was going to be okay and that Iapos;m here. To me that means more in a relationship because Iapos;ve always longed for someone like Bridget. �You know those times when youapos;re walking on a beach and the sun is about to set and no ones there to see it with you. You feel empty and without cause but when youapos;re walking and feel a gentle touch of someone reaching for your hand you know that the sunset is just making way for a better night or another better day. Iapos;m lucky to have her
cercetare, cercetare calitativa, cercetare de educatie proiect, cercetare de excelenta.

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