вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.


My family and I have been minor survivalist for generations. I say minor, because I donapos;t know how to hand-tool machinery or build a gun from scratch, but I can hunt, clean skins, hike, know more than average medical, know a lot about urban warfare and how people become in times of civil unrest and a large amount of information on how to survive in extreme conditions. I am durable. I listened, really listened, to my friends who survived the Holocaust and from them I learned the difference between a survivalist and just surviving.

In this scary economy some people have decided to stock up on food and supplies because they are afraid. I would give those newbie survivalist a few tips.

1. Stop with the beans, already. If you donapos;t like beans and have never prepared beans from soaking on, donapos;t by 50 lbs of beans. You will not eat them and resent them and be a rat bastard to be around because you will be miserable. Try to stick to food that you would normally prepare and consume. Have food to preserve life, not a lifestyle, but donapos;t go buying 100 cans of spam either. Moderation is your friend.

2. You heal faster inside. I appreciate that in the Terminator she could get field stitches without flinching, but I have news for you, that hurts like hell. In addition to medical kit basics include lots of pain killers and prescription meds. Get an extra set or two of eye-glasses. Get safety glasses if you donapos;t wear eyeglasses and use the when you chop wood. Learn how to chop wood without cutting your foot off. Little injuries can become big problems down the line so learn to take it slow and heal inside faster than trying to push yourself and screw yourself up worse. Learn basic dentistry and include birth control in your survival gear. Having a baby naturally is both dangerous and painful.

3. Donapos;t buy guns unless you will really use them to kill a man, woman or child. A 12 year old can kill you as surely as a 24 year old. Learn how to shoot a gun and the myriad of ways you can hurt yourself with them. Guns are tools. Learn now how to hunt.

4. Learn how to make fire from scratch. Fun for the whole family. They will laugh for hours while you practice in front of the tv. You will dance around your little smoke pile yelling "I HAVE MADE FIRE"

5. Good shoes. Good shoes does not mean the most expensive hiking boots you can find. Good shoes are the ones that you can walk in for miles and you not notice them. Buy wool socks. They could save your life.

6. A hand-pump well can be an oasis.

7. Make buddies with real survivalists and have them teach you everything they know. Practice Practice Practice.

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понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Subscribers to Verizon's fiber-optic FiOS TV service will be able to enjoy the rich diversity of high-definition, educational and children's programming provided by PBS and the nation's local public television stations under a major agreement announced today by the Association of Public Television Stations (APTS), PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) and Verizon. The agreement ensures that Verizon will carry local public television stations' digital programming.

Under the multiyear agreement, every Verizon FiOS TV system will carry the full digital signal of up to three public television stations within the system's service area, as well as any additional noncommercial station that does not duplicate programming of another station in the market. The agreement also includes PBS and local public television stations' HDTV programming and local stations' digital multicasts.

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�Introduced to live journal by my girlfriend. Maybe this will be interesting hehehe Nothing really interesting has been happening in brooklyn and I really miss Bridget. I think about her constantly and wishing I was better for her. Now Iapos;m working with my brother who owns a production company. We manage to pull quite a number of clients and to produce a number of events. But in all this Iapos;m still broke as shit, HAHAHA. I laugh about it but its makes me angry. I work for family and get treated like family. My brother doesnapos;t treat me like an employee, he treats me like a younger brother who needs to do his bidding. Iapos;m not down with that so I let him know how it is but he has my mother on his side and momma can be pretty hard to deal with sometimes. �Whatever but thereapos;s better things to talk about like, BRDIGET She makes me laugh and smile so much. I like when she gets excited and giggles like a little girl, (hahaha sounds kinda dirty.) �Its the joy thatapos;s in her heart thatapos;s attractive. Itapos;s innocent and childlike. Something no one can take away from you no matter what has happened in your life. Itapos;s a pureness of joy that can withstand the mundaneness of every day life or the like the explosive minty-chocolatey taste you have when you eat a york peppermint patty, lol. �But I care about her. Sometimes its hard to explain that with words when youapos;re so far away. A simple touch and a kiss means so much more when youapos;re far from the one you love. Being a guy, I think its hard to be expressive with words sometimes because it just doesnapos;t come out right when you say it or whatever the case maybe. But if I held her close and kissed her lips and told her everything was going to be okay and that Iapos;m here. To me that means more in a relationship because Iapos;ve always longed for someone like Bridget. �You know those times when youapos;re walking on a beach and the sun is about to set and no ones there to see it with you. You feel empty and without cause but when youapos;re walking and feel a gentle touch of someone reaching for your hand you know that the sunset is just making way for a better night or another better day. Iapos;m lucky to have her
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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I think my brain is failing, and iapos;m not trying to complain here,
but when iapos;m stuck in this rut, thinking the blues and
i explain and i warn but people just mourn
for the friend that they feel theyapos;ve lost,
and right now i canapos;t remember how to feel,
so iapos;m searching in you,
but this from you i just canapos;t steal.

i appreciate itapos;s not easy to deal with someone sat there purely frowning
but you gotta understand, youapos;re my lights in the dark
and if you were me, and your heart was in parts
you couldnapos;t bare to face the day,
donapos;t tell me you wouldnapos;t be suprised
to look for love but,
find bitterness in my eyes.

i need you there to make me aware that iapos;m being bloody stupid,
say apos;come the fuck on you miserable cow, i know youapos;re in there somewhere,
donapos;t suffer in silence, let me in to help,
iapos;m not going to fuck you overapos;,
misery is contrary to all of my beliefs
but for now iapos;m stuck, itapos;s no matter of luck
just a chink in my perspective.
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


So apparently Iapos;ve always wanted to be a cheerleader. Duh,right? Cute outfits,perfect hair always a boy to buy you food wants not to like. Oh, that whole acting dumb part. Anyway, yesterday was a particularly stressful day at work(not to mention NASA wanted to launch the next shuttle 2 days early and then retracted that idea).So for some stress relief I decided to play my Wii.I have some good games like wii Fit,mario cart, ravnng rabbits but a newer game called to me.So since I had a bad day I went and got it. I have no decided being a cheerleader takes alot of arm work I got We Cheer, and you bascially use your two remotes like pompoms and follow along with a set rountine. Sounds easy,but its not. Heart rate actually went up a bit.of course what you win is more outfits and stuff-cheezy i know. My friend PJ and I played for like an hour last night and this morning I got Justin to cheer too. Our excuse is that its someone good exercise...but in reality its so much funto play. Ok now back to your regularly scheduled blog
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So, more $$ than Id care to admit later, I am going to Toronto by way of ridiculous.

Weds, I will finish class @ 2pm and get lunch. At 3.30, I will drive to DEN, park in the carpark, and hop over to the airport, arriving, hopefully, around 5pm. It takes 900 million years to get through security at Denver, always.

7pm MST, fly to... Philadelphia.


Arrive 1am EST. Have mom pick me up from the airport. Cry and cry and cry because I am homesick homesick homesick.

Pretend to be ambitious, but probably just screw around til TEAM DAVID BOWIEapos;S CANADIAN PACKAGE picks me up. And then we DRIVE TO CANADA.

~6am Friday: ARRIVE TORONTO.


4pm Sunday - get dropped off at TORONTO airport.

7pm EST - fly to Chicago

10pm CST - fly to Denver

11.30pm MSt - Arrive Denver

Pick up car from carport. Drive home. Try not to die.

All of this (seriously, this looks RETARDED) to spend possibly not more than 3 minutes playing RPS.

I am appalled and TOTALLY STOKED all at once.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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The past few days had been crazily hectic. Wednesday evening was spent at NP�CF and i only reached home at 10plus. Yesterday was spent shopping around town with my sunshine followed by movie in the evening. BestFriend and Happypill came to join us and it was hell loads of fun chatting over dinner and camwhoring after the movie. The movie sucks though (we watched Butterfly Lovers starring Wu Zun and one of the Twins girls). And this evening i will be meeting the jc classmates for dinner and tomorrow evening will be my favourite didiapos;s bday celebration. BUSY�BUSY�BUSY�:/ Anyhow, here are pictures from the past two days.

Yufen bought me Hersheyapos;s Dark Chocs cos she rmbs i love dark chocs. So sweet right?
(No. The picture on the right is drawn by her too =.=)

We had Brekoapos;s for lunch on wednesday. And she took pictures of random things (including Terence) while i went to 7-11 to get some stuff =.=

Huge portions of lunch.

We are such camwhores (:

Playing with her Macbook.

Told you we are camwhores. We were sitting on a rock outside the library btw ((:

Yvonne darling�(((:

The coffeeclub muddy mud pie which i craved for damn long. And a indecisive Kat.

My two loves.


The "wife" who was abandoned and the "husband" who was dumped.
(Inside joke)

A stunned de and a sianed kat. (HAHA)

Pessimists of love.

Girlfriends make my day (((((:

Kat Yvonne and Delia (((:

With Kat and Yvonne. Lovelove.

Last group shot before departing and we made De pose infront of the stage (HAHAHA)

Thatapos;s all for now�(((:
Going back to school in another two hours time.

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